PHP-Nuke: Management and Programming

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PHP-Nuke: Management and Programming

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Éditeur :

Projet de documentation Linux

Auteur :

Chris Karakas, Claudio Erba

Licence :

GFDL version 1.2 ou supérieure

Version française :

Source de la version française :

Révision et date de la version française :

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There has always been the necessity to have a definitive guide on PHP-Nuke. This guide describes the installation and structure of PHP-Nuke and the details of customizing the front end to suit the users' needs. The architecture of PHP-Nuke, with its modules, blocks, topics and themes is presented in detail, as well as the interplay of PHP and MySQL for the creation of a mighty content management system (CMS).It also delves into more advanced issues, like the programming of PHP-Nuke blocks and modules, security, acceleration, and optimization. Day-to-day operations and miscellaneous topics are also covered.



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